Department of Housing and Urban Development Allocates $2.6 Million in Relief to Guam
Following enactment of the CARES Act, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) was directed to immediately begin allocating $3.064 billion to help America’s low-income families and most vulnerable citizens. According to HUD, these funds will be awarded quickly and will also be accompanied by new guidance that cuts red tape so grantees can quickly help their communities. A summary of how the $3.064 billion is being allocated and links to specific state and grantee allocations are provided below. Guam was allocated over $1.7 million to perform work including:
Construct medical facilities for testing and treatment.
Acquire a motel or hotel building to expand capacity of hospitals to accommodate isolation of patients during recovery.
Replace HVAC systems to temporarily transform commercial buildings or closed school buildings into clinics or treatment centers.
Support businesses manufacturing medical supplies.
Construct a group living facility to centralize patients undergoing treatment.
Carry out job training of health care workers and technicians who are available to treat disease within a community.
Guam also received another $888,696 for helping the homeless. According to HUD, additional funds will follow this first tranche.
HUD Allocation Summary
$2 Billion to Help States, Communities, and Non-profits:
Construct medical facilities for testing and treatment.
Acquire a motel or hotel building to expand capacity of hospitals to accommodate isolation of patients during recovery.
Replace HVAC systems to temporarily transform commercial buildings or closed school buildings into clinics or treatment centers.
Support businesses manufacturing medical supplies.
Construct a group living facility to centralize patients undergoing treatment.
Carry out job training of health care workers and technicians who are available to treat disease within a community.
These funds will be allocated under HUD’s Community Development Block Grant program. View specific state and grantee allocations here.
$1 Billion to Keep America’s Homeless Citizens Safe:
Build more emergency shelters for homeless individuals and families.
Operate emergency shelters by providing maintenance, rent, repair, security, fuel, equipment, insurance, utilities, food, furnishings, and supplies necessary for the operation.
Provide Hotel/Motel Vouchers for homeless families or individuals.
Provide essential services to people experiencing homelessness including childcare, education services, outreach, employment assistance, outpatient health services, legal services, mental health services, substance abuse treatment services, and transportation.
Prevent individuals from becoming homeless and rapidly rehouse homeless individuals.
These funds will be allocated under HUD’s Emergency Solutions Grants program. View specific state and grantee allocations here.
$63.7 Million to Help Americans with Compromised Immune Systems:
Increase the level of safe, stable housing for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS and their household members, by providing rental and utility assistance and other short-term lodging assistance to address isolation and self-quarantine needs.
Ensure access to HIV medical care and treatment, chemical dependency treatment, and mental health treatment.
Provide persons with compromised immune systems with nutritional services and assistance with daily living.
Assist in job training and placement assistance.
HUD will award these funds under HUD’s Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) program. View specific state and grantee allocations here.
Cuts Red Tape to Allow for Targeting of COVID-19 Response:
The authority to provide housing assistance payments for rent, mortgage, utilities for up to 24 months.
The authority to use funds to self-isolate, quarantine, or provide other CDC-recommended infection control services for household members not living with HIV/AIDS.
The authority to use funds to provide relocation services (including lodging at hotels, motels, or other locations) for persons living with HIV/AIDS and household members not living with HIV/AIDS.
Local coverage of HUD’s allocation of funds to Guam can be found here: Guam PDN ; Guam Post